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                                                                                   ST. MAARTEN GOLF ASSOCIATON

                                                                                                             LOCAL RULES 2024


Unless informed play will be playing lift, clean and place in the cut portion around the greens, in your own fairway and in the bunkers. In the fairway and cut portions, balls can be moved one club length no nearer to the hole. In bunkers, balls must be placed as close as possible to their original locations. A ball in the rough is to be played as is. The area to be smoothed in the bunker is the exact location of where the ball came to rest. Smoothing in front of where the ball came to rest in the bunker in order to make it easier to putt out of the bunker is considered “improving your line of play” (rule 8.1a) and is subject to a 2 stroke penalty. Stones in bunkers are declared movable obstructions.

Out of Bounds

Out of Bounds is defined by white re-bar poles and the inside edge of paved roads. Any ball that crosses a paved road, even though it may come to rest on another part of the course, is deemed to be Out of Bounds.

Penalty Areas

Penalty Areas are defined by red re-bar poles


Women's Drop Area holes #12 and #13.


As an option, a ball may be dropped by women golfers at the designated drop areas after two unsuccessful attempts to play a ball over the water hazards. A drive from Tee Box #12 that goes in the water cannot be counted as an unsuccessful attempt.

Hole #8
Area on the right side of the fairway (towards water) is to be played as fairway to the penalty area. Areas in the fairway that are bare dirt, ball may be dropped to the nearest playable grass even if more than 1 club length but no nearer the pin.


Hole #9
Sandy area on the right of the fairway towards the water is to be played as a WASTE BUNKER. If a ball lies on the black sand then the ball may be dropped to the nearest playable sand even if more than 1 club length but no nearer the pin but must remain in the
Waste Bunker.


Hole #12
The area to the left of the fairway under the trees is marked as a Penalty Area. Area on the right side of the fairway (towards water) is to be played as fairway to the penalty area. Areas in the fairway that are bare dirt, ball may be dropped to the nearest playable grass even if more than 1 club length but no nearer the pin.


Hole #14
Area on the right side of the fairway (towards the university wall) is to be played as fairway.


Hole #16
Area on the right side of the fairway (towards the beach) is to be played as fairway to the penalty markers.



If any areas on the greens are marked as GUR then the ball can be moved to the left or right of the marked area no closer to the hole. If the marked GUR area lies between the ball and the hole, the ball may be moved to have a clear line of sight to the hole but no
nearer the hole. If no GUR area is marked, the ball CANNOT be moved. When a player’s ball lies on the putting green, there is no penalty if the ball or ball-marker is accidently moved by the player, partner, opponent, caddy, equipment.



If O.B., penalty areas, and/or drop areas are not well defined because the lines or markers might have been washed away or moved, please discuss with fellow competitors where the ball has to be dropped or placed. If there’s still any doubt, please play a second ball.
Players are reminded that they may play a second ball at any time if they are unsure as to how they should proceed. The Rules
Committee will review the situation after the round is completed. Rule 20.1c(3).




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